Rule of Law Forum
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The annual Regional Rule of Law Forum, established in 2014 by the AIRE Centre and Civil Rights Defenders, is one of the most important events of the year for members of the judiciary, lawyers and NGOs in the Western Balkans. Each year, judges of the European Court of Human Rights, representatives of the supreme and constitutional courts from across the region, presidents of judicial councils, directors of judicial training academies and institutions, government agents before the Strasbourg Court, representatives of NGOs, and prominent legal experts meet to discuss topical issues and key challenges faced by Balkan countries when it comes to the protection of human rights.
Rule of Law Platform for the Western Balkans
The Rule of Law Platform for the Western Balkans has emerged from the Rule of Law Forum, to meet a recognised need for an online platform which provides up-to-date information on rule-of-law developments, practices, and experiences in the Western Balkans. The platform provides comprehensive insights into the rule of law and protection of individual rights in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Its content is drawn from the knowledge and experience of a pool of legal experts and practitioners.
Both the Rule of Law Forum and the Rule of Law Platform serve the following three key goals:
- Improve and promote the national implementation of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and other key international instruments throughout the region.
- Strengthen domestic capacities to meet the rule-of-law requirements necessary for membership of the European Union.
- Promote cooperation and exchange of best practice amongst domestic legal institutions across the region.