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Judicial Response to Femicide in the Western Balkans: Legal Framework and Judicial Practice


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The regional report on judicial response to femicide in the Western Balkans is a shortened and adapted version of the national researches on femicide conducted in all Western Balkans states during the last three years. The main aim of this report is to present, very briefly, the current state of affairs regarding the judicial response to femicide in the Western Balkans states. A short legal overview enables readers to get familiar with the respective national criminal legislation concerning different types of murders, because that legislation is available to prosecutors and judges when it comes to qualifying the criminal offences. In addition, two selected case studies per country give a glimpse of the court proceedings and sanctions imposed on perpetrators of femicide, while provided comments are reminders on what should be done differently in order to ensure proper judicial response to femicide. At the end, several recommendations are given, that are important, relevant and applicable in every Western Balkans state, while more national specific recommendations are part of the national reports.


Publication details

Publication year:


