Invitation to the webinar “From silence to solutions: Judicial practice on harassment of women in the workplace” 2024
Advancing Gender Equality in Albania — Experts on Combating Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination 2023
Mandija: effective organisation and operation of SPAK in Albania can serve as a role model for other countries in the region 2022
The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights with Respect to Albania up until the End of 2016 2017
Invitation to the webinar “From silence to solutions: Judicial practice on harassment of women in the workplace” 04/06/2024The AIRE Centre invites you to the webinar "From silence to solutions: Judicial practice on harassment of women in the workplace", a crucial...
Advancing Gender Equality in Albania — Experts on Combating Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination 26/05/2023While the legal framework in Albania is comprehensive and contemporary, the challenge in addressing gender-based violence and discrimination lies in...
Mandija: effective organisation and operation of SPAK in Albania can serve as a role model for other countries in the region 08/08/2022Ledina Mandija is the National Coordinator for Albania of the Regional Project for the Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime in the Western...
The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights with Respect to Albania up until the End of 2016 20/03/2017The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights with Respect to Albania up until the End of 2016 DownloadsAvailable languagesECHR Judgements...