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Bilateral meeting on developing a standardised model for collection of statistical data on assets recovery
December 28, 2021

Within the project “Combating corruption and organised crime in the Western Balkans through strengthening regional cooperation in asset recovery” the AIRE Centre in cooperation with the RAI organised a meeting on developing a standardised model for collection of statistical data. The meeting that was held in Belgrade on December 28th 2021 gathered experts from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the meeting participants had the opportunity to discuss the status of the statistical collection in the jurisdictions and identify steps that need to be taken in order to establish an effective system.

Meeting was attended by the high level representatives of the Assets Recovery Agencies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, as well as the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Serbian Republic Public Prosecutors Office.

One of the main conclusions was that statistics are of major importance for implementation of the asset recovery agenda. In order to be effectively implemented, significant awareness raising activities will have to be organised among decision makers, judges and prosecutors.

More information about this event can be found on the Regional Asset Recovery Platform.

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