Areas of focus
Rule of Law
We promote the rule of law by ensuring that the justice systems of the region align with the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisprudence of the European Court.
Human rights
We focus on the application of human rights through particular areas of children’s rights, migration, freedom of expression, privacy, fair trial, COVID-19, and emergency situations.
Gender equality
Gender equality is crucial as it ensures the fair treatment and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of gender.
Asset Recovery
Combating corruption and organised crime in the Western Balkans through strengthening regional cooperation in asset recovery
Fight against organised crime and corruption
The issue of organized crime and corruption continues to pose a major challenge in the Western Balkans region, where organized crime networks are often intertwined.
Transparency and ATI in judiciary
Transparent courts ensure that justice is not only done, but seen to be done, and strengthen public confidence in the work of the judicial system.